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Grant Application Information
Please note: Both Form A and Form B applications are due on November 15, 2024.
Form A
Worksheet: Use this worksheet to assist in completing the Form A application.
Form A Application: Complete and submit by November 15, 2024.
Form A Resolution: The lead school administrator is responsible for bringing this Resolution to the Governing Board for approval and signatures.
Once approved, Governing Board Chair and Governing Board Clerk/Treasurer must sign the Resolution. ​
Upload the signed Form A Resolution to your Form A Grant Application.
Form B​
Instructions and Process for Form B Grant Application: Please read this entire document prior to completing Form B.
Form B Application: Complete and submit by November 15, 2024.
Form B Resolution: The lead school administrator is responsible for bringing this Resolution to the Governing Board for approval and signatures.
Once approved, Governing Board Chair and Governing Board Clerk/Treasurer must sign the Resolution.
Line Item Budget Sample: Use this document as a sample for the required line item budget.
Upload the following to your Form B Grant Application Form as one PDF file.​​
School or School Districts submitting a grant request must upload the following required items:
​Signed Form B Resolution​
Line Item Budget
Region Committees and MSHSL Athletic/Activity Conferences submitting a grant request must upload the following required items:​
​A copy of the IRS determination letter regarding exempt status or other evidence of exempt status.​
A copy of the most recent Form 990 or Form 990T, if applicable, with all schedules submitted to the IRS and/or an explanation of the organization’s fund balance, including restricted and non-restricted funds.
A list of the names of the Board of Directors or other governing body.
Overall organization budget, including a specific project budget indicating items for which MSHSL Foundation support is requested. You may attach a brief explanation of the budget if necessary.
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